Helping The One Not The 99      Sheep So Lost Others Won't Waste Their  Time.   

            Black  Sheep Ministry

What It Means To Be A Black Sheep...

                                 Black Sheep don't conform to social norms. They go against the grain. They are the wild ones. The one the family talks about.  What they say often times makes people uncomfortable.  The Black Sheep tends to be misunderstood.  Black Sheep have a certain kind of way only known to others like them. Bonds made are closer to brothers than just friends. These sheep can be seen in places others don't dare go. They maintain a certain freedom not found by the 99. Brave and fearless, tough and clever are the ways of the sheep of black. You might not like them, but forgetting them is something you will never do. The impression they leave on you is as black as their wool.

Black Sheep In Need Can Find Help Here...

Are you a black sheep? Has your life started to come unraveled and you don't know where to turn?  Homeless, hungry or hurting we want to help. Are you struggling with an addiction you can't overcome? Ask us about the options we have available to help you. 

 Black Sheep Ministry has a hub of resources to help meet many of the needs you may have. Contact Donna or Jeremy Skinner by phone at  (205) 773-8642 or e-mail us at   If you prefer you may text or call any of the following members of Black Sheep Ministry  and we will get in touch with you A.S.A.P.

       ⬇⬇ See Additional Contacts Below ⬇⬇

Mr. Chris Baxter Registered Agent 

(256) 624-7167

      Mr .Ray Thomas          Board of Directors 

(205) 864-5394

    Mr. Jamie Wiley      Treasurer 


 Mr. Steven Wiley Secretary

            (205) 639-6682

Keith Wade   Sergeant-At-Arms

 Black Sheep Ministrty is committed to serving and supporting all individuals in need, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, religion, or background. We believe that everyone deserves compassion, kindness, and respect, and we strive to create an inclusive welcoming enviroment for all. Our services and resources are available to anyone who needs them, without discrimnation or judgement.